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KHM Portsmouth



King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth

LNTM 50/24

1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the King's Harbour Master Portsmouth that Maintenance Works on Ryde Pier, Isle of Wight will recommence on 29th April 2024, with this phase expected to be complete by the end of June 2025.

2. The works will involve temporary pontoons being placed under the pier allowing the maintenance works to be completed as shown below - fig 1.

Fig 1.

3. Moorings remain on the seabed to the west of the pier to support the
pontoons when not being utilised for operations. As shown below - fig 2.

Positions of the buoyage are: -

1 – 50° 44’.311N 001° 09’.776W - Lit (F Y 5s). 
2 - 50° 44’.318N 001° 09’.749W – Unlit. 
3 - 50° 44’.320N 001° 09’.719W – Unlit. 
4 – 50° 44’.323N 001° 09’.692W – Unlit. 
5 - 50° 44’.303N 001° 09’.737W - Lit (F Y 5s).


Fig 2.

4. The main safety Boat being used by Rebel Marine for the duration of the maintenance works is the ‘REBEL LANDER’, Call Sign - MKEP4.

5. Other vessels involved in the works include:

'REBEL DEFENDER' - 6m Workboat
'REBEL RESCUE' - 6m Safety Boat

All of which will keep a VHF listening watch on 11, 12 and 16 at all times.

6. Mariners are requested to keep a good lookout and pass at slow speed while maintenance operations are being conducted. 

7. KHM Harbour Control will be kept informed of work and can be contacted on VHF Ch 11 for the latest information.

8. LNTM 17/24 is hereby superseded.


Wednesday 24 Apr 2024

King's Harbour Master

Owners, Agents, Charterers, Marinas, Yacht Clubs and Recreational Sailing Organisations should ensure that the contents of this Notice are made known to the masters or persons in charge of their vessels or craft.

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