Royal Navy Presentation Team

The Royal Navy Presentation Team provides a dynamic, multi-media presentation aimed at informing and increasing knowledge of the work of the Royal Navy.

We explain what the Royal Navy does and why. We brief on our equipment, our people, current and future capability. We include a couple of short clips from captains of industry acknowledging the potential consequences to their businesses if the Royal Navy did not fulfil its task.

This is followed by a question and answer session where you get to ask frontline Sailors and Marines anything you want. 
The team is extremely flexible and can support any workday, evening or weekend events. We are also totally self sufficient, we provide all audio visual equipment all we need is room with power to set up and all this at no cost to you.

Would you like us to visit you?

If you have ever wondered what the RN really does, but have not been sure how to find out, then help is at hand.

By completing the form, you can request a tailor made presentation from the Royal Navy Presentation Team and a Team member will be in touch to discuss.

A range of presentations is available to suit large or small groups and different audiences.

The Team presents to Government departments, local councils, Industry/commercial enterprises, Chambers of Commerce, Probus Clubs, Women’s Institutes and many other organisations and clubs.