King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth
LNTM 01/24
1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the King's Harbour Master Portsmouth that the following Local Notices to Mariners have been re-issued and will remain extant until further notice. Copies of the LNTMs can be found on the KHM Portsmouth website at the following link:
2. The standing LNTMs are as follows:
LNTM 02/24 Dockyard Port of Portsmouth and the Port of Southampton - Traffic Control and VHF Communications in The Solent
LNTM 03/24 Risk Assessment of Recreational Events
LNTM 04/24 Safety Points for Recreational Vessels, RIBs and Other Fast Craft in the Solent
LNTM 05/24 Pilotage Act 1987 Portsmouth Competent Harbour Authority Compulsory Pilotage and Pilot Boarding Points
LNTM 06/24 Fast Transits of the harbour by military small craft
LNTM 07/24 Portsmouth Harbour - Cold Moves within HM Naval Base Portsmouth
LNTM 08/24 Vessels constrained by their draught or who can safely navigate only within a narrow channel or fairway
LNTM 09/24 Video Surveillance And Telephone Recording
LNTM 10/24 Cross Solent Swims
LNTM 11/24 Mooring lines at Oil Fuel Jetty
LNTM 12/24 Use of weighted heaving lines in mooring operations
LNTM 13/24 Transit of the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth by Queen Elizabeth Class Aircraft Carriers.
LNTM 14/24 Latest guidance for pleasure vessels departing and arriving in the UK.
LNTM 15/24 Autonomous Vessel operations in the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth.
LNTM 16/24 Sanctions on Russian owned or operated vessels.
LNTM 17/24 Ryde Pier maintenance work.
LNTM 18/24 Pilot Exemption Certificate Holders’ visits to KHM Harbour Control – Portsmouth CHA
LNTM 19/24 Non-routine Towage Operations
LNTM 20/24 IFA2 Survey and Maintenance Operations
LNTM 21/24 Hayling Bay and Ryde Middle Autonomous Surface Vessel Trials 1 December 2023 – 31 January 2024.
3. Cancel this LNTM on 31 December 2024.
Monday 01 Jan 2024
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