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KHM Portsmouth



King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth

LNTM 47/24

1. Notice is hereby given by the King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth that Autonomous Surface Vessel trials will be conducted within 2 Basin, HMNB Portsmouth over the period 23 - 25 Apr 24.

2. A NavyX APAC Autonomous Surface Vessel (ASV) will be carrying out sea trials in 2 Basin during daylight hours only with a safety vessel in attendance at all times of the trials period. The APAC is an 8 metre, grey coloured RHIB (see Diagram 1 below), controlled remotely during the Trial from XV PATRICK BLACKETT (PTBK) berthed alongside in 2 Basin at 3BII.  PTBK sea boat has been nominated to act as a Safety and Support Boat during the period of the Trials.

Diagram 1 – NavyX APAC

3. Designated trials period will be from 0900 – 1600 daily and include the APAC operating in Remote/Autonomous Mode, constrained to the confines of 2 Basin.  Trials Staff, in agreement with Harbour Control, are to verify when the Trial Runs are to start and end in a safe manner.

Basin HMNB(P) (Chart not to be used for navigation)

4. The assigned safety vessels will be listening on VHF Ch 11, and 16.  The APAC is not authorised to exit the Basin in Remote/Autonomous Mode and if any vessels require entry/exit to/from 2 Basin, the APAC is to be secured alongside PTBK, and Harbour Control informed.

5.  All trials vessels will conform to the International Rules for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS) and Portsmouth Harbour Regulations, including speed limits at all times. 

6. Cancel this LNTM 26 April 2024.


Wednesday 17 Apr 2024

King's Harbour Master

Owners, Agents, Charterers, Marinas, Yacht Clubs and Recreational Sailing Organisations should ensure that the contents of this Notice are made known to the masters or persons in charge of their vessels or craft.

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