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KHM Portsmouth



King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth

LNTM 40/24

1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth that as part of the Southsea Coastal Scheme works, there will be deliveries of gravel as beach recharge activity along that area of the seafront between the Hover Port and the Southsea Rowing club building, operating over the High tide windows on the 13 & 14 March 2024.

2. The dredged gravel material will be delivered to Southsea by the Trailer Hopper Suction Dredger MV SOSPAN DAU (callsign HO8016), which will drop an anchor astern as it approaches the beach and then a steel spud leg when in position. Gravel will then be pumped in a “rainbow” onto the beach. Offloading operations will take place over the high-water period, with the vessel unmooring on completion and returning to sea to reload at authorised dredge sites.

3. During manoeuvres into position off Southsea, SOSPAN DAU will be restricted in its ability to manoeuvre, and all vessels are to keep well clear while they are engaged in approach, mooring, rainbowing and unmooring operations. Vessels are warned to keep at least 250 metres clear of the stern of the vessel to avoid the stern anchor wire.

4. SOSPAN DAU will keep KHM informed of progress and will monitor VHF Channels 11, 12 & 16 as necessary.

5. Cancel this LNTM 17 March 2024.


Friday 08 Mar 2024

King's Harbour Master

Owners, Agents, Charterers, Marinas, Yacht Clubs and Recreational Sailing Organisations should ensure that the contents of this Notice are made known to the masters or persons in charge of their vessels or craft.

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