The Atlantic Challenge sees the crew of HMS Oardacious join about 30 other teams traversing the 3,000 miles of the North Atlantic from the Canary Island of La Gomera to the Caribbean idyll of Antigua. Each team member is expected to drink approximately 10 litres of water a day to maintain their high energy output and with nothing but undrinkable sea water to hand, they create their own drinking water using Reverse Osmosis.

In this lesson, your learners aged 10 - 14 will understand the importance of clean water and discover a range of methods that can be used to achieve it, including the process and equipment used for the task throughout the challenge.

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  • Download the Lesson Plan
  • View the PowerPoint show
  • Download and share the Worksheet

Working in small groups, your learners will share and discuss ideas, work on tasks and apply knowledge learned on osmosis in science classes.