The Atlantic Challenge sees the crew of HMS Oardacious join about 30 other teams traversing the 3,000 miles of the North Atlantic from the Canary Island of La Gomera to the Caribbean idyll of Antigua and can take anywhere between 4 to 6 weeks. This is a long period of time for the team to be away with little to focus but their voyage, demanding a great deal of commitment.

In this lesson your learners will understand more about the challenge and what is involved, most particularly the mental problems faced by long periods in isolation, away from friends and family and without the basics and material things that we hold dear in our lives.

You can:

  • Design a PSHCE focussed lesson with our plan
  • View the PowerPoint show
  • Take your learners through the worksheet

Working in small groups, your learners will plan activities to maintain morale and positivity, discover how hard decisions can be made and learn about the importance of teamwork in any setting.