New Queens Harbour Master Website - Information


King's Harbour Master Plymouth

LNTM No 41/14

1. This notice is issued for information by the Queen's Harbour Master Plymouth. The QHM Website is transferring to a new Internet Host. The majority of data will be held as part of the Royal Navy website, with a header page and some information common to all Dockyard Ports on the GOV.UK website. The new site is now live, and will operate alongside the old site until 5 December 2014 when it will be shutdown. Thereafter the current website address (URL) will auto-forward users automatically to the new site.

2. The address for the QHM Plymouth section of the new site is as follows: The new site is presented in a different format to the old one, and is designed to be readable on a variety of platforms, including smartphones and tablets. The majority of information from the old site, including all safety and time-critical information has already been cross-loaded, and the remainder of pages will be populated over the next few weeks.

3. A major advantage of the new site is the re-instatement of the ability to automatically email new messages such as Navigation Warnings (NAVWARNs), Local Notices to Mariners (PLNTMs) and Shipping Movements. Users are able to sign up to receive these on the relevant pages. This facility will be made live from 4 December 2014.

4. During the bedding-in of the new site, QHM Staff will work with the site designers to iron out any minor glitches. Every effort will be made to input information on schedule, but occasionally, technical difficulties may mean that some information is delayed.

5. Cancel this PLNTM on the 31 December 2014

Wednesday 03 Dec 2014

C Necker
Commander Royal Navy
Queen's Harbour Master