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KHM Portsmouth



King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth

LNTM 3/25

1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN jointly by the King's Harbour Master Portsmouth and by the Harbour Master of Portsmouth International Port, Associated British Ports Southampton, Cowes and Langstone. This notice is intended to give advice to event organisers on the requirement and scope of risk assessment and risk management required in safely managing their events in line with the principles of the Port Marine Safety Code.

2. This notice is to be read in conjunction with the guidance notes under “Events” and “Risk Assessment” or “Cross Solent Swims” on the KHM website at

3. Your attention is also drawn to the advice given in the preparation of risk assessments issued by the Royal Yachting Association ( 

4. The risk assessment and the safety management of a particular event will be the responsibility of the event organiser.

5. KHM Portsmouth defines an “event” as any vessel/s, craft or person/s participating in an organised gathering and/or scheduled activity that may affect the safety of navigation or impact directly on any other waterway users in the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth.

6. All event organisers are requested to consult with the relevant harbour authority at the earliest opportunity prior to any event taking place. For most types of events a formal risk assessment will be required. The content of this assessment will need to be proportional to the event / activity.

7. The event risk assessment should identify all risks concerned with the safe and efficient use of the harbour by all harbour users. Details of how risks are to be controlled will be part of the assessment. 

8. For events taking place in the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth event organisers shall use the risk assessment template at and may add additional hazards/controls, as required, to ensure that all appropriate risks are addressed and mitigated to the satisfaction of KHM.

9. The formal risk assessment should be submitted not less than 28 days prior to the planned event to enable the harbour authority to comment and consult on the assessment. Failure to submit the relevant risk assessment documentation not less than 28 days prior to the event may result in permission for the event being refused. When the harbour authority is satisfied that the risks to port safety and port users have been effectively mitigated, formal acknowledgement of the risk assessment and authorisation for the event to proceed will be given. 

10. Any requirement for the harbour authority to provide additional resources by the way of escort craft or navigation marks etc. will be at the expense of the event organiser.  Where construction of a local notice to mariners is deemed appropriate by KHM, KHM Portsmouth will not levy a charge for local notices regarding events within Dockyard Port of Portsmouth waters.

11. LNTM 03/24 is hereby superseded.


Wednesday 01 Jan 2025

King's Harbour Master

Owners, Agents, Charterers, Marinas, Yacht Clubs and Recreational Sailing Organisations should ensure that the contents of this Notice are made known to the masters or persons in charge of their vessels or craft.

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