How do we maintain safety in the port?
- Maintain an effective Safety and Environmental Management System based on continuing, formalised assessment
- Regularly review the effectiveness of Directions in respect of navigational safety
- Monitor and direct vessel traffic within the port's designated VTS area
- Provide an appropriate level of Admiralty Pilotage Service to MOD vessels
- Verify the fitness for purpose of vessels employed by the KHM
- Ensure PEC holders are conversant with local-rules, regulations and procedures
- Ensure regular hydrographic surveys are conducted where appropriate and publicise the results
- Notify and mark, or as appropriate, remove sunken vessels and other obstructions that are a hazard to safe navigation
- Provide effective management and co-ordination of responses to emergencies within port limits
- Monitor the navigational safety of all organised marine events and works within the port limits
- Consult with port users and other stakeholders in respect to navigational safety issues and proposed changes