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KHM Portsmouth / Safety and regulations

Safety and regulations

This section includes the port's Safety and Environmental Management System, policies, codes and plans, used to manage the port safely.

Some personnel wearing high visibility jackets and protective headgear and goggles

How do we maintain safety in the port?

KHM Portsmouth will: 
  • Maintain an effective Safety and Environmental Management System based on continuing, formalised assessment
  • Regularly review the effectiveness of Directions in respect of navigational safety
  • Monitor and direct vessel traffic within the port's designated VTS area
  • Provide an appropriate level of Admiralty Pilotage Service to MOD vessels
  • Verify the fitness for purpose of vessels employed by the KHM
  • Ensure PEC holders are conversant with local-rules, regulations and procedures
  • Ensure regular hydrographic surveys are conducted where appropriate and publicise the results
  • Notify and mark, or as appropriate, remove sunken vessels and other obstructions that are a hazard to safe navigation
  • Provide effective management and co-ordination of responses to emergencies within port limits
  • Monitor the navigational safety of all organised marine events and works within the port limits
  • Consult with port users and other stakeholders in respect to navigational safety issues and proposed changes 
Read Safety policy
A context image of Portsmouth harbor and a aircraft carrier in the background

Harbour patrols

The patrols include the Volunteer Harbour Patrol who are on the water during the summer months, KHM Patrol which runs throughout the year conducing safety and enforcement patrols, and the Ministry of Defence Police Marine Unit who are responsible for the security of the port.

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3 Navy sailors in fire protective clothing lean and sit of a piece of equipment on board a ship

Safety policies and codes

This section includes the port's Safety and Environmental Management System, policies, codes and plans, used to manage the port safely.

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Closeup of a Navy sailor about to glance through binoculars


An agreement between the harbour authorities means that vessels requiring pilotage to transit between the outer reaches of the Solent and a particular port are to follow the pilotage direction for that port.

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An archer class boat sails away from the camera towards a boat in the distance


KHM's powers derive from two pieces of enabling legislation. They are the Dockyard Port Regulations Act of 1865, which covers general powers for all KHM's in Dockyard Ports and the more specific Dockyard Port of Portsmouth Order of 2005.

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