King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth
LNTM 19/25
1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the King's Harbour Master Portsmouth that a Voluntary No Anchoring Zone (VNAZ) has now been designated / established in Osborne Bay to assist with the continued healthy growth of seagrass in that location in the eastern Solent.
2. To protect the seabed in the near shore area highlighted below, mariners are requested not to anchor, lay marks or pots in the south / southwest of the 8 yellow 1m marker buoys now established to delineate the VNAZ shown on the chartlet below.
Buoy Positions:-
1: 50° 45.509’ N 1° 15.264’ W FI.Y.5s
2: 50° 45.483’ N 1° 15.204’ W
3: 50° 45.462’ N 1° 15.146’ W
4: 50° 45.450’ N 1° 15.092’ W
5: 50° 45.415’ N 1° 15.033’ W
6: 50° 45.392’ N 1° 14.976’ W
7: 50° 45.364’ N 1° 14.913’ W
8: 50° 45.339’ N 1° 14.855’ W FI.Y.5s
3. Portsmouth LNTM 43/24 is hereby superseded.
Wednesday 01 Jan 2025
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