King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth
LNTM 107/24
1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the King's Harbour Master Portsmouth that the Southsea Rowing Club Regatta will take place at Eastney beach, east of South Parade Pier, between 0900 and 1830 on Saturday 17 August 2024.
2. The Regatta is to be held east of the Inner Gate of the Submerged Barrier, in an area approximately 1000 metres in length parallel to the foreshore of Eastney Beach and 400 metres in width. A series of unlit marker buoys will be used to mark the extremities of the course.
3. With a maximum of 30 rowing craft participating at one time, the Safe Swim area as detailed in GD 07/23 will not be available during the Regatta.
4. All mariners are requested to keep a good lookout and pass well clear of the area.
5. Cancel this Local Notice to Mariners 18 August 2024
Sunday 11 Aug 2024
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