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KHM Portsmouth



King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth

Direction 1/24

1. Mariners are advised that the King’s Harbour Master has made the following General Direction under the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth Order 2005. The Zones, as described below, will be established in support of the D Day 80 celebrations. 

2. Event. As part of the national and international events to mark the 80th Anniversary of the Normandy D-Day Landings, a National Commemorative Event (NCE) will take place on Southsea Common on Wednesday 5 June 2024. This event will be attended by Senior members of the Royal family, invited dignitaries and members of the Armed Services. 

3. All timings is this General Direction are Local Times.

4. A security operation will be in place to protect the site and those attending, and as part of this, exclusion zones will be established off Southsea to provide protection from the sea. Marine Safety Exclusion Zones will also be in operation during water and airborne activities to provide protection in case of emergency.

5. Total Exclusion Zone. This marine area will be established from 0800 until 1530 on Wednesday 5 June inshore of the green starboard hand markers as shown in the chartlet below and as follows:

50°47.01N     001°06.14W
50°47.08N     001°05.98W  then along the Mean High Water Springs shoreline 
50°46.73N     001°04.63W
50°46.54N     001°04.57W
50°46.46N     001°05.38W

No vessels / personal watercraft or persons in the water (swimmers or divers) are to proceed into or out of this area from its establishment until it is de-activated (announced by KHM on VHF Channel 11). The area will be guarded by armed police patrols.

6. Restricted Zone. This marine area will be established from 0800 until 1530 on Wednesday 5 June from the edge of the Total Exclusion Zone to 50 metres from the line of the red port hand markers as shown in the chartlet below and as follows:

50° 47.01N     001° 06.14W
50° 46.46N     001° 05.38W
50° 46.54N     001° 04.57W
50° 46.05N     001° 04.39W
50° 46.05N     001° 05.57W
50° 46.21N     001° 05.63W
50° 46.89N     001° 06.34W

The only vessels that will be permitted to enter the Restricted Zone are those vessels that cannot use the Small Boat Channel and are authorised to use the Zone by KHM on VHF Channel 11. This is in effect normal commercial and large recreational traffic longer than 20 metres in length that would in any event normally use the Main Portsmouth approach channel between Outer Spit buoy and Round Tower. Normal traffic clearances will be in force, and these will implicitly include permission from KHM Harbour Control to transit the Restricted Zone. Small boats and vessels without clearance from KHM Harbour Control will be intercepted and escorted out of the Restricted Zone. There is to be no swimming or diving in this area while it is activated.

7. Commercial traffic, including Isle of Wight ferries, will be able to transit as normal throughout the period with exception of the “Closed Channel” period detailed in section

8. Small Boat Channel. For the period that the Total Exclusion and Restricted Zones are in force (0800 to 1530), the Small Boat Channel detailed in KHM General Direction 02/23 is hereby extended to the western 50 metres of the Main Portsmouth Approach Channel as shown in the chartlet and extending to south of Spitbank Fort to approximately 50° 46’.0N 001° 05’.57W. Small vessels transiting to or from the east of Portsmouth are to follow this route, passing to the south of the Boyne Buoy.

9. At approximately 1100 and 1230 fly pasts will occur. At 1100 the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight (BBMF) will fly past and at 1230 the Red Arrows will fly past. Between 1045 and 1115 then 1215 and 1245 a Marine Safety Exclusion Zone will be operation as follows and shown on the below chartlet.

50° 47.03N     001° 06.26W  
50° 46.53N     001° 05.46W
50° 46.53N     001° 04.30W
50° 46.31N     001° 04.30W
50° 46.31N     001° 07.10W
50° 46.53N     001° 07.10W

This will be broadcast through ‘Sécurité’ message by KHM Portsmouth Harbour Control on VHF Channel 11 and will also be detailed on the KHM Daily Movements schedule, published on the KHM Web Site - All vessels are to be clear of this area for the periods.

10. ‘Closed Channel’ Period. At approximately 1200, a single RN Warship will transit between the Round Tower, Portsmouth Harbour entrance, and the Saddle Buoy, firing a 6 Gun Salute. To support this, a ‘Closed Channel’ period in that area will be enacted from 1145 to 1245. This will be broadcast through ‘Sécurité’ message by KHM Portsmouth Harbour Control on VHF Channel 11 and will also be detailed on the Daily Movements schedule. All vessels are to be clear of this area for the ‘Closed Channel’ period. 

11. A drone light display will take place off Southsea common between 2100 and 2200 in an area as follows and shown on the below chartlet;

50° 46.90N     001° 05.81W
50° 46.80N     001° 06.00W
50° 46.62N     001° 05.80W
50° 47.75N     001° 05.60W

12. To support this, a Marine Safety Exclusion Zone in that area will be enacted from 2045 to 2215. This will be broadcast through ‘Sécurité’ message by KHM Portsmouth Harbour Control on VHF Channel 11 and will also be detailed on the Daily Movements schedule. All vessels are to be clear of this area for the period. 

13. Mariners are reminded that contravention of the rules contained within this General Direction is a criminal offence.

14. Cancel this General Direction 01/24 at 2359 on Wednesday 5 June 2024.


Monday 13 May 2024

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