Diving Regulations and Guidelines
In accordance with Schedule 1, Regulation 11 of the Dockyard Port of Plymouth Order 2020:
A person must not dive without permission in the Dockyard Port within –
- 100 metres of the Naval Base or any Crown Establishment
- 150 metres of HM Ships and Auxiliaries, foreign warships or Auxiliaries
- 125 metres either side of the recommended tracks shown as shown on Admiralty charts
- The fairways of the port
Any area in which anchorage is prohibited (as shown on Admiralty charts)
Special arrangements are in place for diving in Plymouth Sound north of a line joining Fort Picklecombe and Mount Batten Tower. Only recognised diving organisations/clubs on a list of approved users will be permitted to dive in this area. Further details are in PLNTM Diving in Plymouth Sound Information Local Notices, Nav Warnings and Directions | Royal Navy (mod.uk).
Free swimming divers must be marked with a surface marked buoy which should be lit at night.
Any vessel engaged in diving operations must maintain a radio watch on VHF Channel 14.
It is recommended individuals never dive alone and always operate within the bounds of their certification and training. Beware of strong tidal streams.
Always call the relevant Port Control Station (PCS) before divers entering the water and once back onboard/ashore.The PCS will be able to provide traffic information concerning planned movements.