King’s Harbour Master Plymouth
Direction 006/25
- This notice is a General Direction by the King’s Harbour Master (KHM) Plymouth in exercise of powers conferred by the Dockyard Port of Plymouth Order 2020.
- Five areas in Plymouth Sound have been designated by their respective Local Authorities as Bathing Areas. These Bathing Areas are in Bovisand Bay, Crownhill Bay, Cawsand Bay, Firestone Bay and Tinside East. Bathing Areas are shown on current Admiralty charts.
- In the interests of safety, all vessels and small craft are advised to avoid Bathing Areas altogether. If passage by craft, including personal water craft, through a Bathing Area is essential, craft are directed not to exceed 4 knots and are to proceed with extreme caution giving way to swimmers in the water.
- Designated Bathing Areas are as follows:
South Hams District Council - Bovisand Bay & Crownhill Bay:
(1) The Bathing Area is the area enclosed by the shoreline of Bovisand Bay, Crownhill Bay and a line joining positions 080 Staddon Point Directional Light 80 metres and 040 Andurn Point 100 metres.
(2) Outside the Bathing Area but within 400 metres of the shore the speed limit is 10 knots.
Cornwall County Council - Cawsand Bay:
(1) The Bathing Area is the area enclosed by the shoreline of Cawsand Bay and a line joining positions 041 degrees Cawsand Obelisk 970 metres and 157 degrees Cawsand Obelisk 320 metres.
(2) An access lane has been established for licensed passenger boats and other craft to proceed through this area to Cawsand Beach. This is marked at the seaward end by two yellow buoys and at the landward end by white painted marks on the sea wall. Boats approaching the beach should pass between the buoys, which also indicate the seaward extent of the Bathing Area.
Plymouth City Council - Tinside East and Firestone Bay:
(1) Tinside East - The Bathing Area is the area enclosed by the shoreline and the line joining the Hoe swimming pool and the site of the old Royal Plymouth Corinthian Yacht Club.
(2) Firestone Bay - The Bathing Area is the area enclosed by the shoreline and the line joining Eastern King Point and Western King Point.
(3) The seaward limits of each Bathing Area are marked by two yellow buoys.
(4) Fishing with nets or anchoring are both prohibited within these Bathing Areas; the Dockyard Port of Plymouth Order 2020, Schedule 1 Regulation 10(4) and Regulation 22 refer.
Wednesday 01 Jan 2025
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