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KHM Plymouth



King’s Harbour Master Plymouth

Direction 004/25




  1. This notice is a General Direction by the King’s Harbour Master (KHM) Plymouth in exercise of powers conferred by the Dockyard Port of Plymouth Order 2020, and is issued pursuant to that Order, Schedule 1 Regulations 18 and 19.
  2. Licences to Lay Moorings for all private moorings in the Dockyard Port of Plymouth, including the tidal waters of the Rivers Tamar, Tavy, Lynher and Plym and all bays, creeks, lakes and pools, are issued at the discretion of the King’s Harbour Master Plymouth.
  3. All private moorings within the Dockyard Port of Plymouth are to be marked by a buoy bearing an identification number/letter. They are to be fit for purpose.
  4. No private mooring is to be laid without first obtaining the written permission of the owner of the fundus or foreshore concerned. Moorings laid without such authorisation are an infringement of the fundus/foreshore owner’s legal rights.
  5. Moorings within mooring block allocations are the responsibility of the organisation holding the Licence to Lay Moorings for the block.
  6. All mooring tenants or private mooring holders should ensure that they hold adequate insurance, covering third party liability insurance and adequate wreck removal insurance. Licence holders are responsible for all vessels using their moorings and are to seek written assurance from their tenants that such insurance is held.
  7. KHM Plymouth reserves the right to review Licences to Lay Moorings from time to time and no undertaking is given that licence conditions will remain unchanged. KHM Plymouth retains the authority to revoke Licences to Lay Moorings if the conditions are not adhered to.
  8. Any mooring which is not licensed by the King’s Harbour Master Plymouth is in contravention of the Dockyard Port of Plymouth Order 2020; this constitutes an offence.

Wednesday 01 Jan 2025

R Giles
King's Harbour Master
Dockyard Port of Plymouth

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