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Organisation / Units & Squadrons
824 Naval Air Squadron
Organisation / Units & Squadrons

824 Naval Air Squadron

The expert instructors of 824 Naval Air Squadron train the next generation of aircrew and engineers to operate the world-class Merlin Mk2 helicopter.


Led by Commander Chris Jones and based at Royal Naval Air Station Culdrose, 824 Naval Air Squadron trains both aircrew and engineers in how to fly, operate and use the Merlin Mk2 as a weapon.

Using real aircraft alongside and sophisticated mission simulators, the squadron prepares aircrew including pilots, observers and aircrewmen for frontline operations.

Engineers learn how to repair and maintain the sophisticated helicopters to an exemplary standard, as well as how to marshal aircraft and load weapons.

From here, qualified personnel join one of front-line Merlin Helicopter Force squadrons, either 814 or 820.

Merlin helicopter

Unit history

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