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Royal Fleet Auxiliary

Royal Fleet Auxiliary

Versatile. Professional. Readily available. Civilian sailors operating globally to support vital logistics and operations.

RFA Argus crew loading boxes

Operational support

Fully integrated into operations around the world, the Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA) provides vital support on everything from high-tempo combat and counter-piracy campaigns, to disaster relief and emergency evacuations.

Highly trained and working to the same standards as other military personnel.

Three Royal Fleet Auxillary sailors in blue hard hats onboard the HMS Dragon

Highly-trained civilians

Professionally qualified seafarers, trained and educated to recognised international maritime standards.

With a deep understanding of military operations and protocol, they’re a world-leading civilian force - and essential to our global success.

Meet the fleet

Support ships

Join the Royal Fleet Auxiliary

Travel the world and support key operations. No two days are ever the same.

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