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Surface fleet awarded for outstanding performance

HMS Defender
19 December 2019
Royal Navy and Royal Fleet Auxiliary sailors have been recognised for their success on operations with the announcement of the Royal Navy Fleet Effectiveness Awards today.

Every year the Admiral in charge of the Royal Navy's Surface Ships recognises the extraordinary efforts of thousands of serving personnel by awarding Surface Fleet Effectiveness Trophies.

They are given to the ship or unit displaying the highest standards of excellence across the year. In addition to their trophy, ships are awarded a blue and white pennant to fly.

Rear Admiral Mike Utley, Rear Admiral Surface Ships, said: “I am delighted to announce the winners and runners-up of the 2019 Royal Navy Effectiveness Trophies. 

“Bravo Zulu to all winners and runners-up, plus those who provided nominations but were unsuccessful this year. 

“After a busy operational tempo, your collective efforts continue to be recognised at the highest levels in Defence and by the nation – thank you.”

Scroll down to view the full list of winners and runners-up.

After a busy operational tempo, your collective efforts continue to be recognised at the highest levels

Rear Admiral Mike Utley

The winners in full

Naval Capability – Winner: HMS Defender, Runner-up: MIXG HQ Engineering and Support

Capital Ship – Winner: HMS Albion, Runner-up: HMS Queen Elizabeth

Destroyer – Winner: HMS Dragon, Runner-up: HMS Defender

Frigate – Winner: HMS Kent, Runner-up: HMS Montrose

Afloat Sustainment – Winner: RFA Mounts Bay, Runner-up: RFA Lyme Bay

Offshore Patrol Vessel – Winner: HMS Forth, Runner-up: HMS Medway

Mine Countermeasure – Winner: M1C3, Runner-up: M1C8

Hydrography and Meteorology – Winner: HMS Magpie, Runner-up: HMS Echo

Inshore Patrol Vessel – Winner: HMS Exploit, Runner-up: Faslane PBS

Engineering – Winner: HMS Northumberland Marine Engineering and Weapon Engineering departments, Runner-up: HMS Dragon Marine Engineering department

Rule of the Road – Winner: 1PBS, Runner-up: HMS Talent

Above Water Warfare – Winner: HMS Sutherland, Runner-up: HMS Defender

Underwater Warfare – Winner: HMS Northumberland, Runner-up: HMS Westminster

Communication Trophy – Winner: HMS Kent, Runner-up: M2C6

Electronic Warfare Trophy – Winner: HMS Montrose, Runner-up: HMS Sutherland

Fleet Diving Unit Trophy – Winner: M2C6 CDE, Runner-up: SDU2

Fleet Intelligence Trophy – Winner: COMUKMCMFOR N2 Cell, Runner-up: FPS N2 Cell

Maritime Signal Intelligence Trophy – Winner: HMS Dragon, Runner-up: HMS Montrose

Seamanship Efficiency Trophy – Winner: HMS Forth, Runner-up: HMS Duncan

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