NAVYfit Festival comes to HMS Sultan

Storyline: NavyFit

A great afternoon was enjoyed by all as the RN Sports Association hosted the NAVYfit Festival of Sport at HMS Sultan.

Royal Navy trainees tried out a variety of sports including Muay Thai, Shooting, Lacrosse, Sprint Target Rifle Shooting, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, American Football, Volleyball, Archery, Climbing, Fencing, Weightlifting, CrossFit, rugby, and glow in the dark spinning!


Engineering Technicians from the Defence College of Technical Training’s Defence School of Marine Engineering and the Royal Naval Air Engineering and Survival Equipment School were joined by trainees from HMS Collingwood’s Victory Squadron for the event.


Sultan, Leading Physical Training Instructor Thomas French said: 'Sport plays an important part in maintaining the physical and mental wellbeing of service personnel. The NAVYfit Festival is full of different activities and provides all our trainees with a great introduction to some of the many options that will be available to them.'

Trainee Survival Equipment Technician Caitriona Stewart said: “I think the festival is great. It gives us a chance to try lots of sports that we didn’t even know existed. I’ve wondered around and seen all the activities that looked good but saw the spinning and thought I’d give it a go. The spinning was so much fun and a really good way to end my day.”


Trainee Engineering Technician Marine Engineering Jacob Kowalski said: “I wasn’t aware that fencing would be an option within the RN, but It’s been a pretty good workout. I’ve learnt lots and had fun. I think it could be a good hobby to take forward.”


Grassroots sports is the perfect opportunity to try your hand at something new. If you'd like to hear more about what grassroots opportunities are available to you or your Unit, speak with your Unit PT or visit the Establishment SARC.

The NAVYfit Festival is full of different activities and provides all our trainees with a great introduction to some of the many options that will be available to them.

LPT Thomas French