From Monday to Friday every week the trainees attend various classes targeted at their chosen specialisation. These specialisations include Warfare, Seamanship, Weapons Engineer (Engineering Technician), Divers, Mine Warfare, Communication Information Systems and Weapons Engineer (Engineering Technician) [Submariner].
The classes are taught by both civilians and service personnel, with the subjects varying from academia to hands on practicals; all are aimed towards getting the trainees ready for their first complement assignment at sea. Examinations are modular in nature, requiring determination and team effort to pass every stage of the course.
Time is also devoted to further physical and personal development at the Sport and Recreation Centre (SARC) where the trainees can engage in a variety of activities from normal team sports to more esoteric pursuits such as the rifle club.
Other activities the trainees engage in during their time here include Leadership training in Talybont-on-Usk, performing ceremonial training, attending the Basic Sea Safety Course, helping with the Armed Forces Day by providing honour guards or supporting the Collingwood Open Day.
Trainees have also taken part in the gruelling Nijmegen Marches; taking part in the Queens Platinum Jubilee Celebrations and providing teams for the Junior Leader’s Field Gun. Trainees from VS played a pivotal role during Op Bridge, with a significant number forming part of the Gun Carriage crew.
The trainees also continue to receive Naval General Training (NGT) with inspections, drill and musters of various forms. It is expected that at all times they maintain their self-discipline and uphold Naval Core Values and Royal Naval Ethos. These are the foundations of the Royal Navy and give us an enviable reputation amongst the navies of the world.
At the end of their Phase 2 training in VS, the trainees will graduate as a more confident, capable and resilient Able Seamen, Diver or Engineering Technician ready to join their first unit.