10 Days
11 courses per year
1 Assault Group Royal Marines, Board & Search School, HMS RALEIGH
The aim of the Board and Search Course is to provide individuals with the necessary skills to conduct a range of compliant boarding operations and to prepare them for collective training at Operational Sea Training.
Course Details
Day 1 – Pass In Tests
- Battle Swim Test (BST)
- Royal Naval Fitness Test (RNFT) 2.4 km timed run, 50ft ladder climb (clean fatigues and in full boarding kit), Weapon Handling Test (WHT), Hang Test (25 seconds)
- Physical training 3 times a week (swimming circuits, speed marches, with and without weapon and webbing, obstacle and assault course runs)
Composition of a Boarding Team
- Evidence Handling
- Actions On
- Law of Armed Conflict and judgemental awareness shoot
- Table Top Tactics
- Phases of Boarding Ops
- Search Awareness
- Personal search techniques
- Interview techniques
- Captured persons handling
- Blank fire exercises
- Maritime Tactical Estimate
- Search procedures
- Ships Documentation
- Boarding Exercises (dry drills and underway boardings)
- Tactical Sweep Procedures and Helicopter Fast Rope gantry and live asset training
The BSC is a physically demanding course, failure to reach the required entry standard for physical fitness, including the Battle Swim Test, will result in Return to Unit (RTU).
The training received at the Board and Search School does not authorise an individual to conduct boarding operations without own nation authorisation IAW the individuals national Policy and Doctrine for boarding operations.
- In date for RNFT 2.4km test
- In date for WHT
- Weapons Trained
- In date for Judgemental Awareness and Rules of Engagement (ROE)
Individual team members must be physically and mentally fit, to be able to work in potentially arduous conditions and have the common sense to react appropriately to challenging situations.
Exams and Qualifications Gained
- Day 1 pass in tests
- End of week 1 open book examination
- End of week 2 final written exam
- Continuous assessments/training during underway boarding
- BSC590 Boarding Officer
- BSC591 2 I/C and Search Co-ordinator
- BSC592 Boarding Team Member