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IMTT - Integrated Maritime Mission Planning (IMMP)

IMTT - Integrated Maritime Mission Planning (IMMP)

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Key information


The aim of this subject is to develop an understanding of the doctrine, planning and conduct of maritime operations (in a joint context) at the Commander Task Group (CTG) level and below.

During the course attendees receive an overview of planning processes at the Task Group level and education in the 7 Question Maritime Estimate (7QMTE) process. The planning phase can be preceded by enabling lectures covering maritime issues from the strategic to the tactical level. The subject is suitable for officers from SO2 to OF5, selected for advanced warfare courses, as staff officers joining Battle-staffs and for Command appointments.

Course details

Applicants will be provided an introduction to the seven question maritime tactical estimate (7QMTE). The subject consists of an enabling lesson and 2.5 days of practical syndicate planning work using dynamic combinations of presentations, syndicate work and a tactical floor exercise.

It also refreshes and includes:

  • Basic doctrine and legal knowledge
  • Introduction to information superiority
  • Introduction to war gaming and TG operations

The syndicate work will look at unit level problems and work through the generation of a simple estimate. It should be noted that although elements of NATO, Allied and Joint doctrine are considered the course will predominantly consider UK Doctrine.

Exams and Qualifications gained

On completion students will be able to:


  • Have a greater understanding of the planning process for maritime operations
  • Be able to utilise more effectively and efficiently the maritime planning process 
  • Understand doctrine and planning of maritime operations up to the 1 Star Command level
  • Have an appreciation of planning in the joint and combined environment
  • Identify staffing, information management and exploitation, organisation, command control and resource management
  • Create a valid, comprehensive maritime plan
  • Identify supporting documentation and orders to conduct maritime plan. Apply the maritime planning process to contingency, emergency and crisis management planning
  • Apply the maritime planning process to contingency, emergency and crisis management planning

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