There’s one thing that all our people share: that special state of mind. It’s the foundation of life in the Royal Marines.
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Combat takes courage: courage to stand as one with your unit in the heat of battle, courage to go where others won’t. Without courage you can’t be a Royal Marines Commando.

A Royal Marines Commando only stops when the job’s done, when all challenges have been overcome and the odds have been beaten. That’s real determination.

Royal Marines rely on each other because we know we can. From going into battle, to training and bonding as mates. Living as one - succeeding together.

Per mare, per terram: by sea, by land. To Royal Marines Commandos, the sea isn’t a line of defence. It’s a way in. That’s what makes us a world-class troop.

You’ll need to be in the best possible shape, fitter than you’ve ever been – doing the hard yards, and then some. The supreme condition you’re in is what makes you different.

Throughout your time as a Royal Marine you’ll encounter situations so challenging, and odds so stacked against you, that your sense of humour will be key to getting you, and your mates, through.
Being part of a world-class force is something that pushes you every day. People look up to us, so we have to set a high standard.
Eligibility criteria
- Royal Marines Commando
- Royal Marines Commando Officer
- Royal Marine Band Service
- Aged 16 to 32 when you start Initial Training
- There is no minimum qualifications requirement
- A maximum BMI of 28 (there may be some exceptions to this maximum if your waist measures less than 94cm)
- A minimum weight of 65kg or a minimum BMI of 23
- Minimum height of 145cm
- A National of the United Kingdom, a Commonwealth Citizen or Dual National
If you're a Commonwealth applicant applying from inside your country of origin, you must be aged at least 18. If you're a resident in the UK and a Commonwealth applicant you're eligible to apply at 16. Current valid passports and visas (where applicable) are a mandatory requirement to be eligible to apply, and it's your responsibility to ensure that you have permission to be in the UK, and that this permission is valid for the entirety of the recruitment process up to your point of entry.
Women interested in a career in Ground Close Combat roles in the Royal Marines may be at greater risk than men from musculoskeletal injury, reproductive health and mental ill-health – see below.
Women in the Marines
All criteria tests (time and distance) share exactly the same standards. This is a gender-free training programme.
Female doctors cannot be guaranteed as the manning of Medical Centres changes frequently. However, a female medical assistant can be present during a consultation, if requested.
If you are in the Royal Navy Reserves and are interested in joining the Naval Service as a Regular, contact our re-joiners team and let them know you‘re interested.
The Naval Service and Royal Marines are welcoming applications to re-join both full-time, or through the Full Time Reserve Service (FTRS). More information on the current vacancies can be found here.
All re-joiners will undertake a minimum of four weeks re-training at Commando Training Centre Royal Marines (CTCRM), Lympstone. On arrival at CTCRM, all re-joiners will undergo the new RMFT(A) assessment. Re-joiners are encouraged to undertake the RM PreROP Fitness plan to aid physical preparation. Failure to achieve the standard required commensurate with an individual‘s age will prevent re-entry into the Royal Marines. Re-joiners who fail to meet this requirement, may be invited to return to CTCRM in the future. Some PSQs may require retro or upgrading training, especially technical PSQs.
We will give you a clear offer of employment on approval to re-enter. This will include full details of your pay, engagement length and any required training so that you’re able to make an informed decision before committing to a return to the Naval Service.