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University students meet the Navy's big guns at HMS Collingwood

University students meet the Navy's big guns at HMS Collingwood
7 August 2018
Students from the Defence Technical Undergraduate Scheme (DTUS) recently visited HMS Collingwood to get a hands-on experience of Weapons Engineering within the Royal Navy.

The group, studying at various universities but all committed to joining the Royal Navy, visited HMS Collingwood, near Fareham, as part of a package of visits to other Naval establishments, all giving them a different experience of RN life.

After briefs about Weapons Engineering in general and specifically the excellent training offered by HMS Collingwood, the group visited the Armoury where they were introduced to the General Purpose Machine Gun and other small arms, getting the feel of the personal weapons used by the sailors.

They then moved on to one of the bigger guns, specifically the 4.5 inch Mark 8 Gun which is fitted to the Type 45 destroyer and is one of the Navy’s most versatile weapons. 

This visit has definitely made me keen to ultimately join the Royal Navy. Everyone here has been very open, friendly and knowledgeable

Officer Cadet Joseph Dendle

Petty Officer (PO) Alan Bates was on hand to demonstrate the procedure for loading the 37 kilogramme rounds into the gun – an operation that needs to be completed every five seconds to keep the gun firing at its optimum rate.

DTUS students will join the Royal Navy at the conclusion of their university studies and visits such as these are designed to give them a flavour of what the Royal Navy can offer them, together with what it expects from them.

Officer Cadet Joseph Dendle spoke of his impressions after viewing the Navy’s guns, saying, “This visit has definitely made me keen to ultimately join the Royal Navy. Everyone here has been very open, friendly and knowledgeable.”

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