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HMS Collingwood holds annual ‘Race For Life’

27 June 2017
Military and civilian personnel at HMS Collingwood took a break from their daily routines to take part in the establishment’s annual Race for Life event.

On the hottest day of the year so far personnel across the Fareham site took over the parade ground as they joined together in a warm up, prior to starting the challenge.

Needing to complete 7 laps to cover the 5km distance, 266 employees from all departments came out to run or walk, helping to raise £506 for this worthy cause.

Leading Physical Trainer (LPT) Suze Badger organised the event and said, “’The Race for Life is a huge event that happens all over the country, and HMS Collingwood made it possible for its Personnel, military and civilians, of all abilities, to help raise funds for an amazing cause that affects many people within the service in some way.  

Morale was fantastic, humour was high and teamwork was at the forefront with all runners/walkers looking out for each other.

Dawn Wills

“There were 266 people that took part raising a grand total of £506.10. 

“The event atmosphere was made with an entertaining warm up from LPT Dan Appleby putting the pink-dressed competitors in high spirits, helped out by the blazing sunshine and an ice cream van on the parade square for all to enjoy! 

“We had everything from someone skating around to someone walking with a knee brace….. commitment to the cause!”

Dawn Wills, Interserve Medical Administrator at HMS Collingwood, took part in the event with some stores colleagues. 

She said “My motivation to take part was the knowledge that cancer touches most people’s lives in some way and the Race for Life is a wonderful way to raise the profile of the work being done to support and help the amazingly brave people who are touched by this.

“I was honoured to take part in this fundraiser.

“It was a great afternoon, albeit being the hottest day of the year on the longest day of the year!

“Morale was fantastic, humour was high and teamwork was at the forefront with all runners/walkers looking out for each other.

“So many people from the diverse workforce at Collingwood getting together to achieve one aim; a wonderful experience that was worth the sweat and twinges.”


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