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Exercise dawns for RNR Cadets

2 November 2016
Nine Royal Naval Reserve (RNR) Officer Cadets stand on the parade ground at Britannia Royal Naval College (BRNC) as they wait to begin a leadership exercise alongside their regular counterparts.

The Officer Cadets signed up for the RNR approximately nine months ago and their 16 days spent at the College forms part of their induction training. 

During that time, they have completed their Royal Navy Fitness Test, the Military Swim Test, acquired a motor whaler coxswain qualification and enjoyed strategic studies and leadership lectures in the build up to the epic five day basic military skills package that culminates in their all-important leadership assessments.

Being able to integrate with our Royal Navy counterparts has been amazing.

Midshipman Rhys Thomas

The RNR course is designed to run in parallel with the Initial Naval Training course for regulars, so that a common experience is shared by all. 

And with all nine achieving a credible pass a well-deserved passing-out-parade was the finale to the course. 

Captain Sue Jameson RNR took the salute and wished the newly promoted Midshipman luck in their exciting career ahead. 

Midshipman Rhys Thomas from HMS Cambria, the Cardiff based RNR unit, said: “Being able to integrate with our Royal Navy counterparts has been amazing. 

“They have been wonderful hosts and we have built some long lasting friendships here.” 

The brand new RNR Young Officers will now continue their development with further training weekends at BRNC before looking forward to their Fleet Board and further achievement, but until then it’s back to being a solicitor, airport fire fighter, data analyst, risk assessment advisor and a host of other civilian jobs.

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