Muay Thai

Teaching all aspects of Muay Thai including a full range of techniques for fitness, sport and military styles to all who wish to learn the art, from beginners to experienced students.

Royal Navy Muay Thai

We are dedicated to teaching the purest Muay Thai to all Service personnel that wish to learn, from beginners to experienced students.

We can teach you all aspects of the art, including a full range of techniques for both sport and military styles: Navarach, Khorat and Traditional Muay Boran. This allows you to take part in all competitions, from local inter-unit matches to World Championship events.

Our students also attend overseas visits. In 2019, this included training at World Muay Thai Federation (WMF) headquarters and International Federation Muay Thai Amateur (IFMA), they also took in the world renowned Yakkao gym in Bangkok where Sanchai and the UK’s own Spencer Brown fight from. We aim to return and compete in WMF Championships.

a royal navy nakmuay (muay thai fighter) warming up in ring

Get involved

As we're members of the WMF and UK Muay Thai Federation (UKMF), our students have the opportunity to participate at interclub and amateur level.

Open to all Royal Navy and Royal Marines Establishments, as well as RAF and British Army Establishments, we're also able to provide training around the country. 

To arrange a visit by us, for more information and to get involved, just get in touch.

Contact NAVYfit

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