Martial Arts

Providing the perfect outlet for all service personnel to learn self-defence, improve self-confidence and practise self-discipline in an active, open and friendly environment whatever the experience or skill level.

Royal Navy Martial Arts

We deliver training in Karate, Kendo and both WT and ITF Tae Kwon Do. We also encourage all Martial Arts disciplines to participate in both grassroots and team training weeks and sports tours, as well as offering opportunities to compete at Service level and beyond.

Whatever your interest level, Martial Arts can be the perfect outlet for you, enabling and empowering you with defensive skills, confidence and control in an active, open and friendly environment.

Whatever your age, gender or experience, you can feel the real personal satisfaction of sporting achievement in this arena.

fighter challenges with taekwondo kick directed to opponents head

Get involved

All Service personnel are welcome to join us, no matter your reason, ability, skill, experience, or discipline of interest.

With opportunities to travel, train and compete all over the world, Martial Arts with us can be ideal for everyone.

To get involved, just get in touch.

Contact NAVYfit

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