King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth
Navwarn No 3/24
1. NW 50/23. The re-established Starboard Hand Pile off Lee-on-the-Solent which marks the southern end of an outfall pipe but in the new / revised position of 50° 47’.40N 001° 11’.99W. has now been sufficiently promulgated and corrective chart action taken by the UKHO.
2. NW 65/23. The 2 Fixed Red (Vert) Lights located on the eastern end of East Jetty in Royal Clarence Yard on the western Portsmouth Harbour are now fully functional.
3. The following Portsmouth NAVWARN's remain in force: 02/24, 66/23, 63/23, 62/23, 54/23, 23/23, 06/23, 15/22, 57/20, 44/20, 15/19, 60/18, 75/17, 33/17, 27/14, 57/12 & 52/11.
4. Cancel this Navwarn on 2 FEB 24.
Wednesday 31 Jan 2024
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