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KHM Portsmouth

CANCEL NAVWARNS 15/19 & 57/20


King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth

Navwarn No 6/25

1. NW 15/19 The obstruction present in position 50 47.065N 001 10.088W (approx 240 metres NE of the charted Starboard hand pile) in Stokes Bay and is clearly visible at Low Water, with a drying height of -1.1m is now indicated on appropriate UKHO / Admiralty products.

2. NW 57/20 Powder Jetty on the western side of Portsmouth Harbour, that has partially collapsed, is now classified as a “Ruin” (Ru) and in indicated on appropriate UKHO / Admiralty products as such.

3. The following Portsmouth NAVWARNs remain in force: 64/24, 45/24, 40/24, 38/24, 28/24, 63/23, 23/23, 15/22 & 33/17.  
4. Cancel this Navwarn 22 Jan 25. 


Monday 20 Jan 2025

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