King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth
Navwarn No 75/24
1. NW 66/23 The shoal area in vicinity of “Spit Elbow” Buoy in the Main Portsmouth Approach Channel has now been dredged so restoring the minimum maintained depth (MMD) of 10.5m as indicated on appropriate Admiralty products.
2. NW 43/24 The ex “HMS Bristol” berth box located on the northern side of Fountain Lake within Portsmouth Harbour has now been dredged so restoring the minimum maintained depth (MMD) of 6.5m, as indicated on appropriate Admiralty products.
3. The following Portsmouth NAVWARNs remain in force: 74/24, 72/24, 71/24, 64/24, 45/24, 40/24, 38/24, 28/24, 23/23, 15/22, 57/20, 15/19 & 33/17.
4. Cancel this Navwarn 21 Dec 24.
Thursday 19 Dec 2024
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