King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth
Navwarn No 69/24
1. NW 16/24. The northern most yellow MOD mooring buoy of “W Trot” in Portsmouth Harbour that was partly awash has now been corrected and floating as designed.
2. NW 67/24 . The small 6m craft that had sunk approximately 50m west of South Railway Jetty HM Naval Base Portsmouth has now been removed.
3. The following Portsmouth NAVWARNs remain in force: 64/24, 45/24, 43/24, 40/24, 38/24, 28/24, 66/23, 63/23, 23/23, 15/22, 57/20, 15/19, 75/17, 33/17 & 57/12.
4. Cancel this Navwarn on 29 NOV 24.
Wednesday 27 Nov 2024
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