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KHM Portsmouth

CANCEL NAVWARNS 39/24 & 50/24


King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth

Navwarn No 51/24

1. NW 39/24 The 2FR (vert) Lights on No.1 Berth Dolphin at Portsmouth International Port (Posn 50° 48.664’N 001° 05.558’W) has now been re-established and functioning correct. The temporary Navigation Light (Fl R 1s) has been removed.

2. NW 50/24 The 2FG (vert) Lights located on Victoria Pier on the eastern side of the Harbour Entrance are now fully functional.

3. The following Portsmouth NAVWARNs remain in force:  48/24, 45/24, 43/24, 40/24, 38/24, 36/24, 28/24, 16/24, 66/23, 63/23, 23/23, 06/23, 15/22, 57/20, 44/20, 15/19, 60/18, 75/17, 33/17, 27/14, 57/12, & 52/11.

4. Cancel this Navwarn on 19 SEP 24.


Monday 16 Sept 2024

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