
King's Harbour Master Portsmouth

NAVWARN No 81/22

1. The moored yacht adjacent to the main channel leading to the Port Solent Marina east of Portchester Castle in position 50° 50’.31 001° 06’.607 that had been de-masted with the rigging possibly laying into the channel has now been safely recovered.

2. The following Portsmouth NAVWARNs remain in force: 79/22, 72/22, 69/22, 67/22, 63/22, 42/22, 15/22, 71/20, 57/20, 44/20, 04/20, 15/19, 60/18, 75/17, 33/17, 27/14, 57/12 & 52/11.

3. Cancel this Navwarn 06 Nov 22.

Friday 04 Nov 2022