King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth
Navwarn No 57/22
1. North Ryde Middle Buoy (Port Hand Lateral Mark) located in the eastern Solent has been re-sited to its correct charted position (50° 46’.601N 001° 14’.321W).
2. The following Portsmouth NAVWARNs remain in force: 51/22, 42/22, 41/22, 28/22, 25/22, 15/22, 06/22, 71/20, 57/20, 44/20, 04/20, 15/19, 60/18, 75/17, 33/17, 27/14, 57/12 & 52/11.
3. Cancel this Navwarn 17 JUL 22.
Thursday 14 Jul 2022
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