King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth
Navwarn No 93/21
1. The Isolated Danger Mark that was in Position 50⁰ 43’.693N 001⁰ 6’.399W, north of Seaview Isle of Wight, corrective chart action has now been taken by the UKHO and duly removed this Aid from all applicable Charts.
2. The following Portsmouth NAVWARNs remain in force: 90/21, 89/21, 83/21, 78/21, 50/21, 71/20, 57/20, 44/20, 04/20, 15/19, 60/18, 75/17, 33/17, 27/14, 57/12 & 52/11.
3. Cancel this Navwarn 15 Dec 21.
Monday 13 Dec 2021
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