King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth
Navwarn No 75/17
1. The anchorage at Spithead No.8 (Posn 50 Deg 45.774N 001 Deg 07.615) remains foul and Mariners are requested to avoid anchoring in this location.
2. The following Portsmouth NAVWARNS remain in force: 74/17, 73/17, 71/17, 70/17, 69/17, 68/17, 54/17, 33/17, 21/17, 55/16, 27/14, 57/12, 52/11, 40/11, 45/10, 78/05 & 10/04.
3. Navwarn 17/16 (Spithead Anchorage 8 Special Mark Out of Place) is hereby superseded.
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