King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth
LNTM 28/25
1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth that maintenance works will take on Wightlink’s car ferry berths in the Old Town Camber Portsmouth between 27 January to 3 February 2025. (Operations will be 24hrs)
2. The works will be carried out on behalf of Wightlink by Baker Trayte Marina Ltd using their spud leg crane barges “BT230” (LOA 30m) and “ASNE” (LOA 40m), supported by MPV’S “BULLDOG” (LOA 14.8M), “VOE 3” (LOA 14m) and “UNCLE BILL” (LOA 13.3m).
3. Marine traffic wishing to access the Old Town Camber over this period should be aware the width of the channel will be reduced.
4. All vessels will maintain a listening watch on VHF Channels 11 and 12 and are requested to pass at an appropriate speed, minimising wash, as much as it possible.
5. Cancel this LNTM 7 February 2025.
Thursday 23 Jan 2025
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