King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth
LNTM 6/25
1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth that fast transits of the harbour will periodically take place in conjunction with military and Ministry of Defence Police (MDP) training in the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth (by day and night).
2. Exceptionally these small, non-displacement, military and MDP craft have been approved to exceed the 10 knots speed limit (GD 5/23 refers) based on the following criteria:
a. Operational necessity for such military or police response training.
b. Risk assessment of the hazards involved.
c. Minimal wash caused by such craft.
d. High level of competence of the military and police coxswains and their instructors.
e. Manoeuvrability of the craft involved.
f. Transit via the centre of the harbour, whenever possible.
g. MDP vessels will exhibit blue flashing lights during training runs at speeds in excess of 10 knots.
3. On every occasion, KHM Harbour Control will be informed with details (VHF or by phone) and will subsequently veto or approve such a transit (north and south) beforehand with sufficient notice to inform the MDP Patrol launch(es) on station; Police escort is not required.
4. MDP training will normally be included on KHM Movements; other military training will be included where possible.
5. All mariners should be assured that these craft will operate within prescribed limitations described in the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS) in general and Rule 6 (Safe Speed) specifically. The coxswains, and where applicable, instructors embarked in these craft have been fully briefed of their responsibilities to all other users in this regard and will moderate their movements accordingly.
6. At night military craft may from time to time operate without navigation lights (subject to approval by KHM and in accordance with the training requirement and/or operational necessity) when they are responsible for avoiding all other obstructions and craft afloat.
7. All mariners are requested to keep well clear of such craft when possible and report any concerns to KHM on Ch 11 or by telephoning 023 9272 3694.
8. Portsmouth LNTM 06/24 is hereby superseded.
Wednesday 01 Jan 2025
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