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KHM Portsmouth



King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth

LNTM 1/25

1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the King's Harbour Master Portsmouth that the following Local Notices to Mariners have been re-issued and will remain extant until further notice. Copies of the LNTMs can be found on the KHM Portsmouth website at the following link:

2. The standing LNTMs are as follows:

LNTM 02/25 Dockyard Port of Portsmouth and the Port of Southampton - Traffic Control and VHF Communications in The Solent 
LNTM 03/25 Risk Assessment of Recreational Events 
LNTM 04/25 Safety Points for Recreational Vessels, RIBs and Other Fast Craft in the Solent 
LNTM 05/25 Pilotage Act 1987 Portsmouth Competent Harbour Authority Compulsory Pilotage and Pilot Boarding Points
LNTM 06/25 Fast Transits of the harbour by military small craft
LNTM 07/25 Portsmouth Harbour - Cold Moves within HM Naval Base Portsmouth
LNTM 08/25 Vessels constrained by their draught or who can safely navigate only within a narrow channel or fairway
LNTM 09/25 Video Surveillance and Telephone Recording
LNTM 10/25 Cross Solent Swims
LNTM 11/25 Mooring lines at Oil Fuel Jetty
LNTM 12/25 Use of weighted heaving lines in mooring operations
LNTM 13/25 Transit of the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth by Queen Elizabeth Class Aircraft Carriers. 
LNTM 14/25   Latest guidance for pleasure vessels departing and arriving in the UK
LNTM 15/25   Autonomous Vessel operations in the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth
LNTM 16/25    Sanctions on Russian owned or operated vessels
LNTM 17/25    Pilot Exemption Certificate Holders’ visits to KHM Harbour Control – Portsmouth CHA
LNTM 18/25    Non-Routine Towage events within Dockyard Port of Portsmouth
LNTM 19/25 Voluntary No Anchor Zone – Osborne bay Isle of Wight
LNTM 20/25   Ryde Pier Maintemance Work
LNTM 21/25 IFA2 Route Maintenance Operations – Stage 4

3. Cancel this LNTM on 31 December 2025.


Wednesday 01 Jan 2025

King's Harbour Master

Owners, Agents, Charterers, Marinas, Yacht Clubs and Recreational Sailing Organisations should ensure that the contents of this Notice are made known to the masters or persons in charge of their vessels or craft.

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