King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth
LNTM 85/24
1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth that a military exercise will be conducted in the vicinity of Browndown Point, in the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth (by day and night) between 10 July and 17 July 2024.
2. The military exercise will be conducted within a box bounded by the following positions:
P1: 50°47.27N 001°11.03W
P2: 50°47.20N 001°10.46W
P3: 50°46.78N 001°10.56W
P4: 50°47.03N 001°11.46W

Exclusion Zone off Browndown Beach (Chart not to be used for navigation)
3. This area will also be marked by 2 x yellow buoys to seaward which will be displaying a yellow light (Flash 1 every 4 seconds) with the temporary exclusion zone being established from the dates indicated in para 1.
4. During the exercise the area will be in constant use, small craft conducting tactical landings and blank firing from sea to land.
5. All vessels will display the correct day shapes and lights and will be monitoring VHF Channels 11 and 12. All mariners are to keep clear of the area. KHM can be contacted on VHF Ch 11 or by telephoning 023 9272 3694 for updates.
6. Cancel this Local Notice to Mariners on 18 July 24.
Wednesday 03 Jul 2024
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