King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth
LNTM 73/24
1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth, that as part of the Sea Angling Classic competition, a series of on-water events will take place in the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth from Wednesday 19 to Sunday 23 June 2024. The event will be based in Port Solent, but boat and angling activity will take place in the eastern Solent and its approaches.
2. The programme of on-water events is as follows:
• Wednesday 19 June – Sunday 23 June
Boats arrive at marinas in the Portsmouth area and at Port Solent
• Thursday 20 June
1600: Competitors’ briefings – Botanical – Port Solent
• Friday 21 and Saturday 22 June
0800-1730: Sea Angling Classic competition
• Sunday 23 June
12:30 Sea Angling Classic prize giving – Botanical – Port Solent
3. Competitor boats will make their own way to Portsmouth or other local berthing areas and will follow all local rules and regulations. Competitor boats will display a large orange Sea Angling Classic flag when competing.
4. Sea Angling Classic competition days Friday 21 and Saturday 22 June. For each day, competitors will independently depart their berths, using the Small Boat Channel, in time to be in the holding area to the east of Horse Sand Fort by around 0730. The start and finish lines will be a line between the Cambrian Wreck Buoy and the Roway Wreck marker. Smaller boats will be mustered to the north, with larger craft to the south. Competitors will be started at 0800 by countdown on VHF Channel 71. Once the competition has started, vessels will be free to operate within a wide area of the eastern approaches to the Solent. They should continue to obey the International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea, and only anchor in areas away from the main navigational channels. Competition angling will complete at 1600, after which all vessels will have 90 minutes to cross the finish line. After crossing this line, all vessels will return independently to their berths, obeying all harbour rules and regulations.
5. For all events, Sea Angling marshal craft, clearly marked rigid inflatable boats, will be on hand to assist competitors as required. All boats taking part in the event will be listening on VHF Channel 11 when underway.
6. Cancel this LNTM 24 June 2024.
Thursday 13 Jun 2024
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