King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth
LNTM 72/24
1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the King's Harbour Master Portsmouth that Scientific Surveying Operations will be conducted by the Environment Agency (EA) along the near shore area from Wootton Creek Approach Channel to the western end of Osborne Bay commencing on the 19 June with expected completion in early July 2024.
2. The sampling platform will be the 8.5m Environment Agency survey vessel “SOLWAY SHEPHERD” (MMSI 235091049) operated by Briggs Marine and Environmental Services Ltd.
3. The aim of our work is to monitor and map out the extent of the seagrass beds in the proposed areas. The surveys will involve both camera-drops and echo sounder monitoring. Using a camera mounted to a 1m² plastic frame, photographs will be collected of the seabed. This will be followed by echo sounder lines over the same area.

4. Mariners are requested to keep a good lookout and pass at slow speed while surveying operations are being conducted. The survey craft will maintain a listening watch on VHF Ch 11 throughout operations.
5. KHM Harbour Control will be kept informed of work in progress and will de-conflict movements with other marine traffic. They can be contacted on VHF Ch 11 or by telephoning 02392 723689 for the latest information.
6. Cancel this LNTM on 8 July 2024.
Tuesday 11 Jun 2024
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