King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth
LNTM 68/24
1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN jointly by the King's Harbour Master Portsmouth, the Cowes Harbour Master and the Harbour Master ABP Southampton that the Round the Island Race 2024, will start from Cowes between 0600 and 0730 on Saturday 15 June 2024. About 1100 yachts are expected to take part in the Race. A full description of the race is available from the Island Sailing Club ( The following summary is provided for information purposes:
a. The start line extends from the Island shore at the Royal Yacht Squadron to an outer distance mark adjacent to the Williams Shipping Buoy.
b. Due to the number of competitors taking part, the various class starting times will be staggered to take place at 10-minute intervals between 0600 and 0720. A total of 9 sequential starts will take place, with the last being at 0720.
c. The anti-clockwise course around the Isle of Wight will be from Cowes west-about and back to Cowes. Turning points for the race are at The Needles Lighthouse, St Catherine’s Point, and Bembridge Ledge Buoy.
d. It has been agreed with the organisers that all competitors awaiting their class starting time will proceed to designated holding / waiting areas (as on Figure 1 below), to avoid congestion in the main navigable channel. All competitors will be equipped with VHF radio and will keep a listening watch on VHF Channel 22, in the event that a recall or postponement becomes necessary.
e. Whilst the main bulk of the fleet of yachts is expected to pass the Bembridge Ledge Buoy between 1030 and 1600 and the peak finishing time at Cowes is likely to be between 1200 and 1800, it should be noted that the earliest finish could be around 0930 and the finish limit time for this year is 2000. Hence, there will be increased levels of recreational activity within the Central Solent area throughout this period.

Figure 1 – Central Solent Start Area
f. When rounding Seaview boats shall not pass inside the outer line of moorings. A large orange cylindrical buoy will be laid at the eastern end of the line to identify it. Competing yachts disregarding the area and entering the Seaview mooring area will be subject to protest.
2. In order to separate the competitors from any commercial traffic movements intending to pass through the Central Solent, or bound to or from the Port of Southampton, in accordance with Southampton Notice to Mariners 57 of 2024:
• Masters of vessels not directly involved in the event are to arrange to be clear of the start area by 0530hrs and are not to enter the start area until after 0730hrs or when the bulk of competitors have cleared the area; and
• Masters of Red Funnel Ferries and Commanders of Red Jets are to avoid passing through the start area and are to arrive at/or leave Cowes passing to the east of the Bramble Bank, where practicable, during the period 0600 - 0800.
3. All spectator craft not taking part in the race are to keep well clear of the start area or are to proceed to one of the designated holding areas, as depicted on Figure 1, and keep clear of the Main Navigational Channel.
4. Cancel this Local Notice to Mariners 17 June 2024.
Thursday 06 Jun 2024
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