King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth
LNTM 118/24
1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth that Autonomous Surface Vessel (ASV) trials will be conducted by NavyX within the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth over the period 18 – 21 October 2024.
2. The ASV will be trialled within 2 Basin, HMNB Portsmouth.
3. The designated trials period is 0900 – 1600 and includes the ASV operating in remote/autonomous mode within the trials area.
4. The ASV ‘APAC’ is a grey monohulled (LOA 8.0m) rigid hulled inflatable boat. The ASV will be controlled and supported by ‘XV PATRICK BLACKETT (PTBK)’ which will be berthed alongside in 2 Basin and her sea boat which will act as safety cover. The safety vessel will attend all times of the trials period. The ASV is not authorised to exit the basin and will be secured alongside PTBK when not operating.
5. The safety vessel will be listening on VHF Ch 11.
6. All trials vessels will conform to the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS) and Portsmouth Harbour Regulations, including speed limits at all times.
7. Cancel this LNTM 23 October 2024.
Wednesday 16 Oct 2024
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