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KHM Portsmouth



King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth

LNTM 110/24

1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth that SubSea Craft Ltd will be conducting crewed surface vessel trials in the Roway Wreck area (east of the submarine barrier) on 2 and 3 September 2024.  

2. Trials will be conducted in daylight with a safety vessel in attendance throughout. The USV, ‘V1C1’, is a 11.7m jet driven craft, black in colour and has a top speed of 40+kts. ‘V1C1’ will be accompanied by ‘Hi Life’, acting as a safety boat. ‘V1C1’ will have a coxswain on board. Trials serials will involve filmed manoeuvres and turns at speeds up to 35kts. 

3. All vessels involved in the sea trial will be listening on VHF Ch 11 and 16.  

4. All trials vessels will conform to the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs) and speed limits at all times.  

5. Cancel this LNTM 4 September 2024. 

Wednesday 28 Aug 2024

King's Harbour Master

Owners, Agents, Charterers, Marinas, Yacht Clubs and Recreational Sailing Organisations should ensure that the contents of this Notice are made known to the masters or persons in charge of their vessels or craft.

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