King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth
Direction 16/23
1. Mariners are advised that the King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth has made the following General Direction under the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth Order 2005 Para 11 schedule 2 that Fog Routine in Portsmouth Harbour will be ordered by the King's Harbour Master (KHM) when visibility is so low that normal shipping movements would be dangerous (0.25 nm). Notice of the introduction of Fog Routine will be promulgated by:
a. Broadcasting "Harbour Fog Routine in Force" on VHF Channels 11 and 13.
b. Informing all warships on tidal berths by fastest available means.
c. Direct telephone line to the Portsmouth Commercial Port, Wightlink Ferries, the Gosport Ferry Company, Southampton VTS, and the MOD Police.
2. On receipt of information that Fog Routine is in force vessels in tidal naval base berths fronting on to the Main Channel are to switch on upper deck lighting. Lighters lying outboard should be similarly lit.
3. Whilst Fog Routine is in force no movements of naval or commercial vessels with overall length of more than 20 metres are to take place in the harbour or it’s Approach Channel without the prior permission of KHM on VHF Ch11 or 13. Vessels requesting permission to proceed are required to have operational radar and communications equipment.
4. During Fog Routine vessels over 20 metres in length proceeding in the same direction through the harbour entrance will not be allowed to pass through at intervals of less than 5 minutes. Permission for a vessel to leave harbour will be timed so that no incoming traffic will be passed between the Ballast Pile and Outer Spit Buoy.
5. The Gosport Ferry service may continue operations unless otherwise directed by KHM.
6. Vessels under 20m in length including yachts are strongly advised not to move when Fog Routine is in force but may proceed at the skipper’s discretion. Such vessels are to proceed with extreme caution and are to keep well clear of the Main and Approach Channels of the harbour.
7. General Direction 3/10 is hereby cancelled.
Sunday 01 Jan 2023
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