King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth
Direction 8/23
1. Mariners are advised that the King’s Harbour Master has made the following General Direction under the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth Order 2005 concerning berthing rules for the Ministry of Defence Upper Harbour Ammunition Facility (UHAF) situated near the entrance to Portchester Lake within Portsmouth Harbour in position 50° 48'.71’N, 001° 07'.08'W.
2. Permission to berth alongside this facility for any vessel, no matter what size, must be obtained from KHM. Only vessels employed on Government business will be permitted to berth. Private vessels must remain 50 metres clear of the facility or any vessel berthed there, in accordance with the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth Order 2005.
3. Great care should be taken when berthing at this facility. Any incidence of damage to the facility when berthing by any vessel, however caused and however slight, should be reported to KHM immediately.
4. General Direction 08/13 is hereby superseded.
Sunday 01 Jan 2023
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