King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth
Direction 5/23
1. Mariners are advised that the King’s Harbour Master has made the following General Direction under the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth Order 2005, that within the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth the following speed limits apply:
a. Within Portsmouth Harbour - 10 knots.
b. Within 0.5 nautical miles of the line of mean low-water springs in any part of the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth outside the Harbour - 10 knots.
The speed limit in each case is to be taken as "speed through the water".
2. Safe Speed. Mariners are also reminded of the importance in proceeding at a safe speed at all times as defined in Rule 6 of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS). In particular in the approaches to and inside Portsmouth Harbour, when determining a safe speed, special consideration must be given to small boats. These small vessels could have combined lanterns which may be difficult to pick out against the background lighting, and they may not be detected by vessels with radar at adequate range.
3. Exemptions. The above speed limits do not apply within designated Water-Skiing and Personal Water Craft (Jet Ski) Areas (see General Direction 07/23). Fast Military Craft (see Local Notices to Mariners) may also be exempt on specific occasions for operational training reasons. Any person who has a requirement to exceed the above speed limits for specific exceptional reasons should apply to the King’s Harbour Master for permission.
4. General Direction 01/18 is hereby cancelled.
Sunday 01 Jan 2023
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